the process is very guided. they give you a lengthy (but necessary) safety talk. but you get to chose your colors and take part in each step. like coloring the glass and holding it in the furnace which burns at nearly 2000°F.
you also get to actually blow the glass. your breath gets trapped in the glass forever! which is really cool if you think about it. my sunglasses are for safety and not fashion - as cool as they make me seem.
the outside layer of the glass hardens almost instantly, but the glass actually takes about 48 hours to completely cool. it goes in this cooling cabinet called an annealer which slowly lowers the temperature and allows the glass to cool slowly so that the glass doesn't crack.
and finally, the finished products! mine is all the way on the right and husband's is the second to the right. apparently we went with a fire and ice theme. which somehow suits us.
you can read a little bit about the history of glassblowing here and how the pacific northwest plays into that.